Mobility Management

Sandra · February 1, 2024

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Course Description

Rural Missourians face transportation barriers that limit fullness of life and basic needs such as health, food, education, employment and social interaction. Because transportation is tangled, complicated and expensive, though identified as one of the top two barriers in communities across Missouri, it is not addressed.

The purpose of this course is to provide Mobility Management trainees the skills, knowledge, and resources that will improve transportation access for Missourians who have the greatest need. Upon completion of the course the trainee will be able to identify their community’s transportation resources and barriers, communicate with others using non-biased language, collaborate effectively, identify funding resources to assist consumers with transportation cost, and identify requirements and restrictions of funding for consumers. Additionally, trainees will create their own National, State, and Local Mobility Management Resources Toolkit that is focused on the trainee’s community of service.

Throughout the course, Mobility Management trainees will explore transportation resources and gaps through the lens of Context, Community, Consumers, Providers, Partnerships, Advocacy, and Assistance Programs. Each module introduces the trainee to a specific aspect of mobility management that is necessary for the trainee’s future success in their local community as a Mobility Manager. For example, Module 1 focuses on defining Mobility Management in the context of the local community. Context is a vital component of successful mobility management because no two communities will have exactly the same transportation resources or needs (gaps). 

Course Outcomes
  • Identify their community’s transportation barriers and resources
  • Demonstrate a commitment to advocacy, inclusivity, diversity, and equity in interactions with consumers, transportation providers, and community organizations
  • Identify local transportation stakeholders and organizations to meet the unique transit needs of a community
  • Identify state and national agencies that provide funding or other resources for mobility management
  • Identify programs that provide transportation assistance to those who qualify

Students will develop their own National, State, and Local Mobility Management Resources Toolkit throughout the course

Required Materials

Access to a computer that has email and internet capabilities.

A means to save materials (OneNote, USB drive, etc.) or the ability to print materials for the Toolkit. 

Prerequisite Knowledge

The trainee should already be able to:

  • use a computer
  • receive, compose, and send email communications
  • access internet websites; and bookmark websites (or look up the how to for your web browser)
Instruction Materials

Instructional materials including website resources, booklets, and videos were carefully chosen by an interdisciplinary, collaborative team. The team consisted of transportation, rural health, community health workers, and mobility management educators. All instructional materials were chosen to provide trainees with the skills and knowledge to successfully become their community’s expert on local, state, and national mobility resources.

Links to the instructional materials required for a particular module are contained within the module itself and the Resources page. You may access the Resources page from the Home page. 

Videos will include a link to the video as well as a link to the transcript.

Each module may include:

  • Videos covering the topic
  • Readings to enhance available resources
  • Websites to explore available resources
  • Quizzes to check understandings
  • Assignments to show student mastery of the materials
Course Modules

Module 1: What is Mobility Management?

Rural Missourians face transportation barriers that limit fullness of life and basic needs such as health, food, education, employment and social interaction. Because transportation is tangled, complicated and expensive, though identified as one of the top two barriers in communities across Missouri, it is not addressed. Module 1 introduces the learner to the Mobility Management approach and the introductory definitions and resources that are foundational to Mobility Management. In the Module 1, Toolkit Assignment you will begin defining your community through observation and exploration.

By the end of this module the student will be able to:

    • Define Mobility Management
    • Recognize the value of mobility management
    • Describe modes of transportation
    • Identify mobility concerns including lack of access, awareness of resources, and funding.
    • Describe the local community in context
    • Describe disadvantages of siloed transportation providers
    • Identify relevant terminology and acronyms specific to Mobility Management

Module 2: Getting to Know Your Community

In Module 2, you will continue the process of defining and understanding your community by examining its demographics, health rankings, other relevant data and statistics. You will learn about Community Health Needs Assessments, how and why they are conducted, and how to locate a current one for your community. The Toolkit Assignment will introduce you to the concept of transportation gaps and resources which you will then begin identifying for your community.

By the end of this module the student will be able to:

    • Locate demographic, health ranking, and information about the community  
    • Locate Community Health Needs Assessments relevant to your community  
    • Identify community strengths and resources  
    • Identify barriers and gaps in the community’s transportation system

Module 3: The Mobility Services Consumer

In Module 3, we change the focus from the community to the individual consumer of transportation services. The demographics and needs of an individual will vary wildly making cultural competence, emotional intelligence, and self-awareness vital and necessary skills for the successful Mobility Manager. To address these skills, the module’s resources include links to videos on implicit bias and assumptions, readings on disability etiquette, and other resources about inclusive language. The Toolkit Assignment introduces the Rider Information sheet which is a customizable tool for assessing consumer transportation needs. This exercise will add to your knowledge of the transportation resources and gaps in your community.

By the end of this module the student will be able to:

    • Identify tenets of customer service including empathy, dealing with bias, and respect
    • Identify the unique mobility needs of the individual based on their physical, cognitive, and/or sensory disabilities
    • Recognize cultural biases that may hinder the customer service experience
    • Identify gaps in mobility for the customer 
    • List ways to overcome linguistic barriers such as ESL and sign language
    • Identify protected personal health information (PHI)​
    • Explain the process for handling PHI

Module 4: The Mobility Eco-System

In Module 4, you will explore national, state, and local resources to compile your community’s Transportation Inventory and to spark your imagination as you begin to consider overlooked transportation resources that exist in your community. The resources in this module will also reveal more transportation gaps and resources as well as deepen your understanding of those you have already found. In the Toolkit Assignment, you will compile and submit your Transportation Inventory and your updated transportation gaps and resources.

By the end of this module the student will be able to:

    • Locate transportation schedules
    • Identify existing modes of transportation in your community 
    • Identify transportation resources using multiple sources of information
    • Recognize gaps in transportation services 

Module 5: Community Collaboration

In Module 5, you will learn skills to successfully collaborate with other organizations and transportation stakeholders. Solutions to transportation gaps and barriers will depend on the unique characteristics of the transportation consumer as well as the resources available within the community. By collaborating with other transportation stakeholders, sustainable solutions can be identified, duplication of services can be avoided, and better stewardship of available resources can be attained. The goal of Missouri Mobility Management is to create and sustain a network of mobility managers and transportation providers throughout the state to liberate the transportation-disadvantaged. In the Toolkit Assignment, you will begin creating a list of potential partners and will create an agenda for the initial meeting with them.

By the end of this module the student will be able to:

    • Identify community organizations and members who share an interest in mobility and transportation issues.
    • Identify ways to communicate effectively with community partners and community members
    • Develop a plan for whom to invite to partner with you based on the goals of your project and the characteristics (e.g., skills, strengths, resources) of the partnership eco-system
    • Reframe disagreements to reach consensus among partners

Module 6: The Mobility Champion

In Module 6, we discuss the concept of championing or advocating for the transportation needs of your community. As the local mobility expert, you will have opportunities to advocate with future collaborators and funders for equity in mobility for all members of your community. In the Toolkit Assignment, you will create an Elevator Pitch to introduce you and advocate for Mobility Management.

By the end of this module the student will be able to:

    • Develop basic skills in advocacy 
    • Define advocacy in context / types of advocacy / purpose of advocacy
    • Develop appropriate advocacy messages for the audience
    • Identify the tenets of the ADA including: para-transit, equivalent service, implications of the ADA for transportation

Module 7: Transportation Assistance

In Module 7, you will begin learning about Transportation Assistance programs that are available for consumers who meet the program’s requirements. The rules for Missouri Medicaid and other programs change frequently and are often confusing and difficult to interpret. A basic introduction to Medicaid funding is provided. Additionally, various other Transportation Assistance programs are explored such as those through the US Department of Transportation. In the Toolkit Assignment, you will begin reaching out to potential partners to introduce yourself (using your elevator pitch) and to invite them to the initial meeting.

By the end of this module the student will be able to:

    • Identify potential funding sources to support customer transportation
    • Compare and contrast possible funding sources (differing requirements)
    • Demonstrate the ability to locate up-to-date information regarding state and federal rules and regulation
    • Explain Missouri Medicaid for Adults and Children
    • Describe transportation benefits for Medicare recipients

Module 8: Resources and Wrap Up

Understanding and having access to data moves the mobility manager to the “go to” person for transportation issues. It is important that you stay well-informed on state and national issues that affect transportation. The following resources and websites will be valuable to you as you progress and deepen your knowledge of mobility management. Your skills in gathering data and connecting the dots between organizations and resources will drive change in your community. What will your next steps be?

By the end of this module the student will be able to:

    • Schedule rides for individuals based on their needs and resources
    • Identify research on mobility and transportation
    • Use existing web-based resources to identify relevant data
    • Identify ways you can use your Toolkit in your community
    • Identify future goals for mobility management in your community
Toolkit Assignments

Module 1: Windshield Survey

Module 2: Identifying transportation resources, gaps and barriers

Module 3: Encountering transportation consumers

Module 4: Creating a Transportation Inventory

Module 5: Designing a collaborative meeting

Module 6: Creating an Elevator Pitch

Module 7: Final Submission

Assignments related to Toolkit development will be conducted within the trainee’s community. Types of activities include interviewing community members, preparing a meeting agenda, and conducting a windshield tour of the local community. Submission of materials is required to advance to the next module. Feedback will be provided on all Toolkit submissions. “Grades” are provided to show acceptable/unacceptable and so that course requirements show up in the Canvas Gradebook. 

If the Course Instructor determines that the submitted materials are unacceptable, the trainee will be provided with feedback so that the problem can be remediated. Trainees will continue to work on revisions with the Instructor until a score of acceptable is attained.

Length of Course

It is expected that most trainees will complete a single module in 1-2 weeks; however, trainees who do not complete the entire course (all 8 modules) within 120 days from Registration Date will be required to begin the course again. This is necessary because the information on transportation is constantly expanding and changing and regular updates are made to course content quarterly.

An extension may be granted due to extenuating circumstances. Student will need to be granted the extension by the Instructor.


All grades in this course are acceptable (1) or unacceptable (0). Students are expected to submit assignments and other required documents as required in order to progress through the course. 

Course Completion

The final course requirement is submission of a course feedback/evaluation survey. After all quizzes and Toolkit submission are received and Module 8 is completed, the end of course feedback survey will open post completion of Module 8.

Once the survey is completed, the Instructor will email the trainee’s Certificate of Completion.

Trainee records will be maintained to provide verification of participation.

Support and Policies

For content related questions, please contact Sandra Morris, State Education and Training Manager

Email: Phone: 417-372-7912

About Instructor


1 Course

+28 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 54 Lessons
  • 9 Quizzes
Verified by ExactMetrics