How-to: Part 3: Navigating the CAB Website
Welcome back! So you’ve created your profile and are ready to connect with other people on the site. Now what? For this post, I’m going to take you through the CAB website, so that you are able to find what you need!
When you log into CAB, you are taken to the home page. Here is where you will find all of the tabs that you need to navigate the site.
Three of these tabs offer drop down boxes that give you more options. You will find that the Programs and Members tabs offer you most of what you need in order to connect with others and keep up with what is going on.
Choosing any of the programs that are listed will take you to that program’s page. This is where you will find all the information you need for each program and how to become involved!
When you choose to follow the “Groups” tab, you will be taken to all of the groups you have joined or have been automatically added to! So, if you have chosen to join the HealthTran team, the HealthTran group will be available to you on your groups page! This is what mine looks like!
The last tab on your dashboard is, “Courses and Resources.” If you have chosen, or been invited, to participate in a course for a specific program then this is where you will find that course. If you’ve enrolled in multiple, they will all have their own module to click on.
Finally, if you need to search for something, check your messages, view any notifications, view the courses you have in your cart, or go to your profile, then all of these are up in the right hand corner of your home page!
Congrats! Now you know how to get around the CAB website. Keep an eye out for a new CAB how-to blog next week!